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What is the definition and function of inductors?

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What is the definition and function of inductors?

Inductor Another name for an inductor, a device that operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a current flows through a wire, a certain electromagnetic field will be generated around the wire, and the conductor of this electromagnetic field will itself induction to the wire within the scope of this electromagnetic field. The effect on the wire itself that produces the electromagnetic field is called "self-inductance", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire; The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range is called mutual inductance.

The electrical characteristics of inductors and capacitors are the opposite, "resist high frequency, pass low frequency". High frequency signal through the inductor will encounter great resistance, it is difficult to pass; The resistance to low-frequency signals passing through it is relatively small, that is, low-frequency signals can pass through it more easily. The inductor coil has almost zero resistance to direct current.

Resistors, capacitors and inductors, they will show a certain resistance to the flow of electrical signals in the circuit, this resistance we call "impedance" inductors on the current signal presented by the impedance is the use of the coil self-inductance. Inductor sometimes we refer to it simply as "inductor" or "coil", represented by the letter "L". When winding an inductor, the number of turns of the coil we generally call it the "number of turns" of the coil.

Definition: Inductance coil is a wire round by round around the insulated tube, the wires are insulated with each other, and the insulated tube can be hollow, can also contain an iron core or magnetic powder core, referred to as inductance. Expressed by L, the units are Henry (H), millihenry (mH), microhenry (uH), 1H=10^3mH=10^6uH.

Function: The electrical characteristics of inductive coil and capacitor are opposite, "resist high frequency, pass low frequency". High frequency signal through the inductor will encounter great resistance, it is difficult to pass; The resistance to low-frequency signals passing through it is relatively small, that is, low-frequency signals can pass through it more easily. The inductor coil has almost zero resistance to direct current.

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